Reader: Saša Mihelčič

Directed by: Klemen Markovčič

Duration: 9 h 24 min.

Format: Digitalno

Code: 115950

EAN: 3838898115950

    Foreign platforms:

ZKP RTV Slovenija and the Beletrina publishing house are releasing the audio book of Bronja Žakelj's award-winning, outstanding, powerful, witty and most of all an inspiring debut autobiographical novel Whites Wash at Ninety. The audio book is narrated by an acclaimed actress Saša Mihelčič.

A novel tells the story of the narrator who grew up in the 1970s and 1980s. In her childhood, her world revolves around her parents, her brother Rok, her grandmother Dada, her aunts and uncles, the Sarajevo Winter Olympics and all the other big and small things that made up the world of every child growing up in Yugoslavia back then. And although it speaks about all these things, the novel is most of all a story of growing up, of facing loss and illness, of overcoming fears and of everything that we do not want to see until we are inevitably faced with it.

This is a book that delves into eminent questions of life and death, with humour and charm, and without a trace of moralising or self-importance.

A powerful, witty and most of all an inspiring debut

The book can only be purchased in whole.


Bronja Žakelj's book came at a time when readers believed that Slovenians could only go wild for foreign authors. When they believed that all stories about life had already been written, and that nothing more could surprise them. But then came September, the end of summer [2018], and with it, a book that mercilessly confronted them with the biggest questions of life and death.


Whites Wash At Ninety will undoubtedly become one of the most read Slovenian contemporary novels.


Certainly an excellently written novel, which, although grounded, courageous and sometimes even daring, manages to soar in the best sense of the word.

-(Delo Literary Supplement)

The autobiographical Whites Wash at Ninety is a heart-breaking, touching story that is unafraid to face our illnesses, our impermanence and our fears. It is also a story about love – between mother and daughter, between siblings, between grandchildren and their grandmother, between a girl and her boyfriend … as well as a story about courage, strength, hope and the meaning of truth.


How painfully tight can the embrace between soft tenderness and the immense brutality of existence be. With her heart-breaking autobiographical novel Whites Wash at Ninety, author Bronja Žakelj accomplishes what few people are able to: she navigates the gloomiest bends of life with joyful and exciting prose, as well as whimsy and irony. Žakelj delves into memories, sometimes partly our own, collective memories, into timeless sources of anxiety, such as illness, loss, death, denial, lies and solitude, with the sparkling song of a literary soul that had never lost its childlike playfulness, joyousness and freedom.

Casually relating all the terrible things that she had not been spared, Žakelj shines a light on the reality of the human condition: that people are painfully alone and that adults often give up much more easily than children. In terms of her prose, Žakelj hits the mark because she never becomes preachy or pathetic; because life consists mostly of short sentences, much laughter and an abundance of tears.

-(Kresnik Award jury)

About the author

Bronja Žakelj (1969) has a graduate degree in journalism, but her love of writing disappeared somewhere between the lines of magazine articles and editorial offices of daily newspapers. She found her first job in marketing and today works in banking. Since there is not much space for creativity in the world of finances, and her love of writing had never been entirely forgotten, she decided it was time to write her first book. Whites Wash at Ninety was published in September 2018 to much acclaim and has been reprinted five times already since then.


Kresnik Award for best novel of the year 2019


Production data


Bronja Žakelj:


Audio book

Director: Klemen Markovčič

Audio engineers: Sonja Strenar in Urban Gruden

Language consultant : Matej Juričan

Mastering: Klemen Veber

Narrated by: Saša Mihelčič

Production: Radio Slovenija

Duration: 9 hours and 24 minutes

Recorded in the studios of Radio Slovenia in November 2019


No. Title Duration Listen sample
1 Saša Mihelčič - Rečejo ti Mita 21:15
2 Saša Mihelčič - Pri nas velikokrat pozvoni tudi Bojan 25:42
3 Saša Mihelčič - V naši kuhinji se veliko smeje 19:17
4 Saša Mihelčič - Tvojega očeta v našo kuhinjo ni 20:57
5 05 - Saša Mihelčič - Z Rokom v Stražišču vedno spiva skupaj 16:30
6 Saša Mihelčič - Ko Rok pride domov 16:51
7 Saša Mihelčič - Ko je junija konec 22:17
8 Saša Mihelčič - Zvonjenja telefona se bojim 20:37
9 Saša Mihelčič - Ko je petega skoraj konec 16:38
10 Saša Mihelčič - Ko prideš domov 19:09
11 Saša Mihelčič - Naslednje poletje 19:47
12 Saša Mihelčič - Ko olimpijskih iger ni več 19:59
13 Saša Mihelčič - Oče pride iz službe okrog enih 20:02
14 Saša Mihelčič - V petek gremo na morje 20:57
15 Saša Mihelčič - Jeseni v svoj dnevnik napišem 20:57
16 Saša Mihelčič - Draga moja Boni 20:46
17 Saša Mihelčič - K Dadi pridem lačna 21:22
18 Saša Mihelčič - Ta večer, ko dobim raka 20:32
19 Saša Mihelčič - Jutri zjutraj grem na kemo 20:53
20 Saša Mihelčič - Ko je mimo osma sreda 22:28
21 Saša Mihelčič - Evo, pa bo zabava 19:18
22 Saša Mihelčič - Obsevajo me v ponedeljek 19:33
23 Saša Mihelčič - Decembra grem prvič spet na Krvavec 17:50
24 Saša Mihelčič - 26. marca Dada Roku skuha kosilo 17:33
25 Saša Mihelčič - 20. julija ob enih je pogreb 20:58
26 Saša Mihelčič - Junij je že, ko Dada pade 22:43
27 Saša Mihelčič - B-ja mi ne uspe pripeljati k Dadi 20:03
28 Saša Mihelčič - Ko gresta, sestra okrog naju zagrne zaveso 18:03