Reader: Blaž Šef

Directed by: Klemen Markovčič

Duration: 6 ur in 56 minut

Format: Digitalno

Code: 117527

EAN: 3838898117527

On November 15th ZKP RTV Slovenija and Radio Slovenia will be releasing the audio book of Marija Ahačič Pollak's novel Strings of Life, Martinčkovi about her family and the many different historical developments of the final years of the 19th century through to the second half of the 20th century. The audio book is narrated by an acclaimed actor Blaž Šef and directed by Klemen Markovčič. All 21 parts of the audio book will be broadcasted in the night program of Prvi every day from November 15h onwards between 3 am and 4 am so that Slovenians in America and Canada will be able to experience it 'live'. The audio book has been financially supported by the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad.


About the book Strings of Life, Martinčkovi

The book Strings of Life, Martinčkovi describes Marija Ahačič Pollak's family and the many different historical developments of the final years of the 19th century through to the second half of the 20th century. It faithfully tells the stories of her mother and father who recorded their memories on tape. The accounts of the time up to the post-war period are joyful but also traumatic. Few of today's Slovenians realise what traumatic adventures their compatriots had to go through in the first part of the last century. The story starts in Tržič moves on to Russia during WWI then Serbia in WWII and finally returns to Tržič. In the most difficult times five children grew up in exile in Serbia and when they came back to Tržič they lived through a time of social absurdities. Besides hardships they tell of joy and hope. The numerous stories are imbued with immense willpower and the father's joyful sense of humour runs like a fil rouge through the book.


About the author

In the 1950's Marija Ahačič Pollak became famous as a singer of the world renowned Oberkreiner musical ensemble the Avsenik Brothers. In 1960 she followed her husband to join him in Canada and became an ambassador of the Slovenian language and music. In Toronto she established Radio Voice of Canadian Slovenians, and created the vocal group Flame, which she has managed for the past thirty years. President Janez Drnovšek granted her a Slovenian state decoration, and the Slovenian Public Fund awarded her a silver distinction.

Production details

Marija Ahačič Pollak

Strings of Life, Martinčkovi

Audio book

Direcor: Klemen Markovčič

Audio engineer: Mirta Berlan

Phonetician: Mateja Juričan

Mastering: Vjekoslav Mikez

Lenght: 6 hours and 56 minutes

Narrated by: Blaž Šef

Production: Radio Slovenia

Recorded in the studios of Radio Slovenia in june 2021



No. Title Duration Listen sample MP3
1 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Rudl 17:51
0,43 EUR
2 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Postal je dimnikar 23:25
0,43 EUR
3 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Prva svetovna vojna 20:15
0,43 EUR
4 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Takoj je bil ranjen 18:59
0,43 EUR
5 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Dogodivščine in nerodnosti 18:50
0,43 EUR
6 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Ravolucija in pobeg 12:55
0,43 EUR
7 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Boji za severno mejo 17:53
0,43 EUR
8 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Mici 21:42
0,43 EUR
9 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Gospod prašiček je polepšal božič 20:02
0,43 EUR
10 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Počitnice med borovnicami 10:45
0,43 EUR
11 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Rudl in Mici 21:11
0,43 EUR
12 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Pridružila se jima je Martinčkova mama 21:56
0,43 EUR
13 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - V družini je bilo živahno 24:34
0,43 EUR
14 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Druga svetovna vojna 23:20
0,43 EUR
15 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Čakanje in gneča v Šentvidu 21:57
0,43 EUR
16 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Po službo v Niš - zaman 27:13
0,43 EUR
17 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Končno spet skupaj 18:00
0,43 EUR
18 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Stalen boj proti ušem 22:30
0,43 EUR
19 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Proti koncu vojne je bilo vse huje 23:32
0,43 EUR
20 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Partizani so zaplenili harmoniko 11:54
0,43 EUR
21 NITKE ŽIVLJENJA Martinčkovi iz Tržiča - Doma - pa še ne doma 17:06
0,43 EUR