Reader: Branko Jordan

Directed by: Klemen Markovčič

Duration: 7 ur in 45 min

Format: Digitalno

Code: 118340

EAN: 3838898118340

ZKP RTV Slovenia in cooperation with Radio Slovenia – ARS Programme is publishing the audio book I Saw Her That Night by Drago Jančar, which was hailed by critics as one of the best literary works about Slovenians during the Second World War. It won him his third Kresnik Award for best novel and the kresnik of the decade. He has also won awards abroad: in 2014, he was awarded the French prize for the best foreign book (Prix du meilleur livre étranger), and in 2020 the prestigious Austrian State Prize for European Literature (Europäischer Literaturpreis). The novel has been published in Slovenia in more than ten editions and translated into twenty-six languages.

The story of a few years in the life and mysterious disappearance of Veronika Zarnik, a young bourgeois woman from Ljubljana, sucked into the whirlwind of a turbulent period in history, was interpreted by Branko Jordan under the attentive ear of the sound master Urban Gruden, and directed by Klemen Markovčič at the studios of Radio Slovenia in October this year.

The audio book has been financially supported by the Slovenian Book Agency.


No. Title Duration Listen sample
1 To noč sem jo videl 19:23
2 Naslednjega dne 19:36
3 Naslednje jutro 21:13
4 Nekega poznega večera 20:39
5 In sem šel 20:01
6 V takšnem razpoloženju 18:01
7 Karkoli je bilo v ozadju 23:23
8 Če bi ostala s Stevom 20:19
9 Saj bo prišla 19:55
10 Pred kakšno uro sem se prebudila 24:40
11 Ko sem danes zjutraj 20:01
12 Telefoniral sem Wallnerju 20:32
13 Pobral sem koščke raztrganega pisma 19:41
14 Tisto noč sploh nisem sel v posteljo 18:31
15 Prišli so sredi zime 19:14
16 Kako naj bi tisti strašni večer 20:24
17 Na dvorišču 20:42
18 Danes so pokopali Janka Kralja 19:36
19 Meni se ni zdelo prav 19:58
20 Bil sem začuden 21:44
21 Še nikoli me ni bilo tako strah 19:58
22 Januarja štiriinštirideset 20:53
23 Gremo, sem rekel 18:37
24 Ves dan smo lezli v breg 18:22