Reader: Matej Puc
Directed by: Klemen Markovčič
Format: Digitalno
Code: 119552
EAN: 3838898119552
ZKP RTV Slovenia, in cooperation with Radio Slovenia - Ars Programme and the Sanje Publishing House, is releasing the audio book Strah in pogum (Fear and Courage) by Edvard Kocbek. It is a collection of four novellas - The Dark Side of the Moon, Black Orchid, Blissful Guilt and Fire - which are among the most shocking works of 20th century Slovenian literature. The author's novels explore the human ethos, which was subjected to the most terrible ordeals during the Second World War. With this book, Kocbek broke sharply with the tradition of black-and-white depictions of the liberation struggle, which led to his harsh attacks, political condemnation and social ostracism. In the audio book, the novella is interpreted by actor Matej Puc and directed by Klemen Markovčič, with Sonja Strenar as sound master.
Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani
COBISS.SI-ID 222050819
ISBN 978-961-96373-9-5 (ZKP RTV Slovenija, MP3)
No. | Title | Duration | Listen sample | |
1 | Temna stran meseca - Zdaj ko sem pero | 20:19 |
2 | Temna stran meseca - Govoril je dalje | 19:17 |
3 | Temna stran meseca - Molčali smo | 22:16 |
4 | Temna stran meseca - Ko smo se vrnili | 22:27 |
5 | Temna stran meseca - Prebudil sem se | 20:13 |
6 | Blažena krivda - Tla na vse strani | 16:41 |
7 | Blažena krivda - Damjan je umolknil | 15:23 |
8 | Blažena krivda - Ko sta že nekaj časa | 19:40 |
9 | Blažena krivda - Gozdna tišina | 19:05 |
10 | Blažena krivda - Tako konec | 18:00 |
11 | Blažena krivda - Utrl si je | 17:43 |
12 | Blažena krivda - Ko je v hladnem | 18:13 |
13 | Ogenj - Kaplan Marijan Žgur | 23:35 |
14 | Ogenj - Ko so pred tednom | 19:34 |
15 | Ogenj - Obsojenec | 19:09 |
16 | Ogenj - Amon je stopil | 19:50 |
17 | Ogenj - S hodnika | 19:10 |
18 | Ogenj - Zdaj je konec | 17:45 |
19 | Ogenj - Zaprl je kroniko | 19:05 |
20 | Ogenj - Skočil je k oknu | 23:40 |
21 | Črna orhideja - Gregor se je moral | 23:11 |
22 | Črna orhideja - Dekle moram spraviti | 26:26 |
23 | Črna orhideja - Osojne ploskve | 26:15 |
24 | Črna orhideja - Zakaj nam ne odgovoriš | 25:21 |
25 | Črna orhideja - Na dnu žleba | 16:20 |
26 | Črna orhideja - Pri priči je hotel zblazneti | 15:56 |
27 | Črna orhideja - Gregor je zaprl oči | 25:06 |