Reader: Barbara Cerar in Helena Koder

Directed by: Ana Krauthaker

Duration: 8 ur 41 min.

Format: Digitalno

Code: 119088

EAN: 3838898119088

ZKP RTV Slovenia in cooperation with Radio Slovenia - Ars programme and Mladinska knjiga publishing house is releasing the audio book entitled The Treetop of Unknown Fruits (Krošnja z neznanimi sadeži) by Helena Koder. It is a collection of essays written and published in magazines over the last ten years. While The Treetop of Unknown Fruits is officially the author's debut novel it is in fact the crystallisation of a lifetime of reading, observing, reflecting and writing. In the audio book the essays are interpreted by the author (the first chapter, "A Hymn to Writing") and the actress Barbara Cerar (the remaining chapters), directed by Ana Krauthaker with Sonja Strenar and Urban Gruden as sound masters.


CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana


KODER, Helena
    Krošnja z neznanimi sadeži [Elektronski vir] / Helena Koder ; režiserka Ana Krauthaker. - Spletni zvočni posnetek. - Ljubljana : ZKP RTV Slovenija : Mladinska knjiga, 2024

ISBN 978-961-96373-8-8 (ZKP RTV Slovenija, mp3)
COBISS.SI-ID 207278595


No. Title Duration Listen sample
1 Hvalnica pisanju I. 20:20
2 Hvalnica pisanju II. 22:45
3 Hoja z materinščino I. 23:41
4 Hoja z materinščino II. 20:58
5 Krošnja z neznanimi sadeži I. 19:55
6 Krošnja z neznanimi sadeži II. 23:27
7 Horror vacui, a ne I. 17:42
8 Horror vacui, a ne II. 21:21
9 Z Nostalgijo o nostalgiji I. 12:47
10 Z Nostalgijo o nostalgiji II. 22:37
11 Gospa Bovary, to sem jaz! I. 17:44
12 Gospa Bovary, to sem jaz! II. 15:37
13 Gospa Bovary, to sem jaz! III. 17:10
14 Brezimna I. 17:41
15 Brezimna II. 21:19
16 Četrti brat I. 16:54
17 Četrti brat II. 23:47
18 Četrti brat III. 9:24
19 O cestarju, tehnologiji in poeziji I. 19:16
20 O cestarju, tehnologiji in poeziji II. 18:22
21 Zrcaljenja I. 17:41
22 Zrcaljenja II. 17:51
23 Zrcaljenja III. 24:42
24 Za spomin I. 20:36
25 Za spomin II. 20:19
26 Za spomin III. 17:32
27 Za spomin IV. 19:54