Pop Music - Rock

Format: CD

Code: 113932

EAN: 3838898113932

14,31 EUR

­­­­How to sum up six decades of a  phenomenon called the Eurovision Song Contest, Eurovison or Eurosong, a festival which started in Lugano in 1956 as a televised music event, and which has since grown into a global multimedia spectacle with 40 participating countries and 200 million people watching all over the world? What to say about songs  that used to be considered good quality even among experts, but nowadays songs are  often frowned upon? Or about performers, as in the past they often became big stars but  recently  they have  regularly  resembled  only shooting stars?

In the 1950s the public service media intended to create a project which would in the spirit of cooperation and entertainment for a wide international audience unite various countries, languages, musical expressions, musicians and performers live on one stage, and present them through a visual medium, and they actually succeeded. This is probably the only global music spectacle that even those who turn up their noses at it never miss.  It is also the only festival that has through the decades created dozens of popular songs adopted by festival enthusiasts even when they did not understand the language used in the lyrics.

Not only did the festival with time transform into a global spectacle, but the structure of the music and the dramaturgy of songs changed as well – especially since performing with a live orchestra was replaced by a limit of only six performers on stage, and songs are performed with pre-recorded backing tracks. Juries were also replaced, at first fully and later partly, by audience voting. Nevertheless, some of the recent songs have also become evergreens, and since this festival is one of the rare opportunities for a truly global media promotion, it still represents an interesting springboard for ambitious and talented young musicians.  Such was also  for the majority of the 25 Slovenian representatives, as many of them went on to become stars in our country. 

Mojca Menart



1. Berta Ambrož - Brez besed      (listen!)       2:45
(Luxembourg, 1966)
(Mojmir Sepe / Elza Budau / Mojmir Sepe)

2. Lado Leskovar - Vse rože sveta             2:36
(Vienna, 1967)
(Urban Koder / Milan Lindič / Mario Rijavec)

3. Pepel in kri - Dan ljubezni             3:36
A Day of Love (Stockholm, 1975)
(Tadej Hrušovar / Dušan Velkaverh / Dečo Žgur)

4. 1 X Band - Tih deževen dan             2:56
On a Rainy Day (Millstreet, 1993)
(Cole Moretti / Tomaž Kosec / Jože Privšek)

5. Darja Švajger - Prisluhni mi             2:49
Listen to me (Dublin, 1995)
(Primož Peterca, Sašo Fajon / Primož Peterca / JoŽe Privšek)

6. Vili Resnik - Naj bogovi slišijo             3:02
Will the Gods set Me Free (Birmingham, 1998)
(Matjaž Vlašič / Urša Vlašič / Matjaž Vlašič)

7. Nuša Derenda - Ne, ni res             2:59
Energy (Koebenhavn, 2001)
(Matjaž Vlašič / Urša Vlašič / Boštjan Grabnar)

8. Sestre - Samo ljubezen             3:02
Only Love (Talin, 2002)
(Robert Pešut / Barbara Pešut / Aleksander Pešut)

9. Omar Naber - Stop             2:56
(Kijev, 2005)
(Omar Naber / Urša Vlašič / Omar Naber)

10. Alenka Gotar - Cvet z juga             3:01
(Helsinki, 2007)
(Andrej Babić / Andrej Babić / Rok golob)  

11. Maja Keuc - Vanilija             3:01
No One (Düsseldorf, 2011)
(Matjaž Vlašič / Urša Vlašič / Matjaž Vlašič, Boštjan Grabnar)

12. Eva Boto - Verjamem             3:05
Pure Love (Baku, 2012)
(Vladimir Graić, Hari Mata Hari / Igor Pirković / Vladimir Graić)

13. Tinkara Kovač - Spet             3:15
Round and Round (Koebenhavn, 2014)
(Raay / Tinkara Kovač, Tina Piš)

14. Maraaya - Here for you     (listen!)        3:00
(Vienna, 2015)        
(Raay, Marjetka Vovk / Raay, Charlie Mason / Raay, Art Hunter, Tomass Snare)

15. Ula Ložar - Nisi sam             3:03
Your Light (Valletta, Pesem Evrovizije za otroke 2014)    
(Ula Ložar, Raay, Marjetka Vovk / Erika Mager, Lucienne Lončina, Raay)