

Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka



Directed by: Jan Cvitkovič
Scriptwritter: Jan Cvitkovič
Cast: Medea Novak, Niko Novak, Tommaso Finzi
Duration: 01:10:43
Year: 2014
Code: 431388

Archeo govori s podobo, najbolj imanentnim filmskim sredstvom. Odnose med moškim, žensko, dečkom in naravo niza v izčiščeni prezenci, brez komentarjev, besed, socialnih, psiholoških in zgodovinskih kontekstov. »Mit, ki ga film uprizori, ni starinski, ampak je naš lasten. Arheo ponuja nekakšno transcendentalno genezo osnovne družinske celice (oče–mati–otrok) danes: kaj vse mora biti zadaj, navzoče v mračnih fantazmah, da se lahko ta celica oblikuje. To je zgodba pozabljenega nasilja, tesnobe in negotovosti« (Slavoj Žižek, filozof). Vesna za najboljši film, najboljšo režijo in najboljšo fotografijo na Festivalu slovenskega filma leta 2011.

Archeo speaks with the image, the most immanent film medium. The relationships between a man, a woman, a boy, and the nature unveils in a clear presence, without commentary, words, social, psychological, and historical contexts. »The myth staged by the film is not old-fashioned, but is our own. Archeo offers a kind of transcendental genesis of the basic family cell (father-mother-child) today: what must be behind and present in the dark phantasms in order for this cell to form. This is a story of forgotten violence, anxiety and insecurity« (Slavoj Žižek, philosopher). Vesna for the best film, the best director and the best photography at the Slovenian Film Festival in 2011.

V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.

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