Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Delo osvobaja
Directed by: Damjan Kozole
Scriptwritter: Damjan Kozole, Zoran Hočevar, Zdravko Duša
Cast: Peter Musevski (Pero), Nataša Barbara Gračner (Vera), Lara Djurica (hči Sonja), Marijana Brecelj (gospa na Zavodu za zaposlovanje), Marjuta Slamič (Ines), Manca Dorrer (soseda Marija), Primož Petkovšek (Tomo), Andrej Nahtigal (prijatelj Janez), Lotos Vincenc Šparovec (prijatelj Roman), Uroš Fürst (psihiater), Jernej Kuntner (Primož Dolinar), Demeter Bitenc (sosed)
Duration: 01:08:41
Year: 2021
Code: 431081
A tragicomedy about lost and found purpose of life. »The film speaks of the fears that grow inside us, the fear of losing financial or social security, and the fear of losing our loved ones. The film shows how the protagonist first gives up every hope then regains it through a course of events. Labour Equals Freedom is a tragicomedy in which despair intertwines with humour, and in which optimism eventually defeats pessimism and dark feelings of despair« (Damjan Kozole, director and screenwriter). Peter Musevski was awarded with the Heart of Sarajevo for Best Actor at the Sarajevo Film Festival and Vesna at the Festival of Slovenian Film, but the list of awards for the film does not end there …
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
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