Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Estrellita - pesem za domov
Directed by: Metod Pevec
Scriptwritter: Metod Pevec
Cast: Silva Čušin (Dora), Marko Kovačevik (Amir), Senad Bašić (Izet), Mediha Musliović (Sabina), Karin Komljanec (Ignacija), Ana Temeljotov (Nina), Tadej Troha (Julijan)
Duration: 01:37:34
Year: 2007
Code: 431128
»This film story develops within a classic triangle of love, sadness and music. Basically, there’s something tragic in all great love stories, and beautiful sad songs describe them best, we all know that – but why do we find so much pleasure in this sadness? I was not interested in the pathetic and almost vulgar sadness, but in that rare, cultivated sadness, that inexplicable marvellous feeling that refines people and gives them a special glow« (Metod Pevec, director and screenwriter). Actresses Silva Čušin was awarded with Vesna award for the main role at the Festival of Slovenian Film.
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