Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Directed by: Janez Burger
Scriptwritter: Janez Burger, Srdjan Koljević, Melina Pota, Aleš Čar
Cast: Maruša Majer, Matjaž Tribušon, Nataša Barbara Gračner, Branko Šturbej, Leon Lučev, Polona Juh, Mojca Funkl, Mateja Pucko, Vlado Vlaškalič, Silva Čušin, Damjana Černe, Pavle Ravnohrib, Ana Facchini, Inua Osredkar, Marjuta Slamič, Barbara Medvešček, Uroš Fürst, Peter Musevski, Minca Lorenci, Vesna Slapar, Sabina Kogovšek, Ana Ruter, Aljoša Koltak, Zvonimir Jurić, Matteo Oleotto, Rossana Mortara, Eva Ropotar, Tadeja Horvat, Dušanka Visenjak, Sara Žabota, Val Sajko, Maurizzio Zacchinga
Duration: 01:31:02
Year: 2021
Code: 431371
A psychological drama with a complex portrayal of a woman in mental distress. At the 20th Festival of Slovenian Film in Portorož, Ivan received the Vesna Award for Best Feature Film and eight other awards. The jury emphasized that »with Ivan the director created a dizzying dance of images and sounds that grabs the viewer in the first scene and does not let him go until the end. It is a shocking commentary on the state of mind in contemporary Slovenia.«
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