Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Košarkar naj bo 2
IGRANE VSEBINE, KINEMATOGRAFSKI FILM, Družinski kinematografski film
Directed by: Bezić Boris
Scriptwritter: Suhodolčan Primož
Cast: Marko Miladinović (Salta), Gojmir Lešnjak Gojc (Tundra), Lado Bizovičar (Tini Trska) ter zaskrbljena starša Ana Maria Mitić in Matjaž Javšnik ,Klemen Kostrevc (Ranta), Matija Brodnik (Smodlak), Gaja Filač (Metka), Domen Novak (Joško)
Duration: 01:16:47
Year: 2021
Code: 430541
The sequel to the hugely popular book and film. »The main challenge in making the film was how to capture the magical youthful energy that comes with the ups and downs of growing up. We wanted the audience of all ages to come out of the cinema with a smile on their faces and a warm feeling in their hearts, richer for a new experience« (Boris Bezić, director).
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
Film je na voljo za spletni ogled, ki velja 48 ur ali 14 dni od najema (možnost večkratnega ogleda/najema). Opremljen je s slovenskimi in angleškimi podnapisi. / Film is available to watch and stream online i.e to rent for 48 hours or 14 days. With slovenian and english subtitles.