Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Directed by: Srdan Golubović
Scriptwritter: Srdan Golubović and Ognjen Sviličić
Cast: Goran Bogdan (Nikola), Boris Isaković (Vasiljević), Nada Šargin (Biljana), Milica Janevski, Muharem Hamzić (Miloš), Ajla Šantić, Vahid Džanković, Jovo Maksić, Milan Marić in Nikola Rakočević
Duration: 01:54:44
Year: 2020
Code: 431708
A moving ode to human tenacity and parental love, portrayed by the internationally successful Croatian actor Goran Bogdan. Srdan Golubić’s fourth feature tells the tale of a father's epic journey across Serbia to get his children back from foster care, a heroic fight that redefines the word hero. “Father is undoubtedly an exhausting film; hopelessness is portrayed as effectively as in the best Ken Loach’s films. Sometimes we wish we could stop the film and take a break from it; but life doesn't work like that” (Tina Poglajen, Radio Slovenia). Ecumenical Jury and Audience Award at the Berlinale 2020.
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
Film je na voljo za spletni ogled, ki velja 14 dni od najema (možnost večkratnega ogleda/najema). Opremljen je s slovenskimi podnapisi. / Film is available to watch and stream online i.e to rent for 14 days or one year. With slovenian subtitles.
Programska vsebina vključuje prizore, ki niso primerni za otroke do 12. leta starosti.