Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Directed by: Jan Cvitkovič
Scriptwritter: Jan Cvitkovič
Cast: Gregor Baković (Pero), Demeter Bitenc (starec), Mojca Fatur (Renata), Nataša Matjašec Rošker (Vilma), Sonja Savić (Ida), Nada Žnidaršič (Adrijana), Ludvik Bagari, Nataša Burger, Emil Cerar, Zoran Dževerdanović, Brane Grubar, Drago Milinović, Vlado Novak, Primož Petkovšek, Pepi Radonjič, Pavle Ravnohrib, Domen Remškar, Drago Širok
Duration: 01:39:27
Year: 2005
Code: 431401
The second feature film of Jan Cvitkovič. Recipient of numerous awards at home and abroad: in Cottbus, San Sebastián, Sofia, Turin, three Vesna Awards at the Festival of Slovenian Film in 2005 (also Vesna Award for the best feature film) and a special mention by the international jury at Ljubljana International Film Festival. The jury wrote: »Easygoing comedian introduction entices the viewer into a much more demanding sequel, in which the everyday life of the main characters reveals the old and painful layers of their lives. The film reveals the archetypal depths of their relationships with a brave attitude of the author; the great actors and a suggestive camera add a lot to the persuasiveness of the film«.
Film je na voljo za spletni ogled, ki velja 48 ur ali 14 dni od najema (možnost večkratnega ogleda/najema). / Film is available to watch and stream online i.e to rent for 48 hours or 14 days.
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