Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Sončni krik
IGRANE VSEBINE, KINEMATOGRAFSKI FILM, Kriminalke kinematografski film
Directed by: Boštjan Hladnik
Scriptwritter: Boštjan Hladnik
Cast: Bojan Mark (Tomaž), Vinko Hrastelj (mali gangster), Zvone Šedlbauer (veliki gangster), Marijana Brecelj (profesorica), Demeter Bitenc (detektiv), Anton Petje (policijski inšpektor), Maks Bajc (skladiščnik)
Duration: 01:28:07
Year: 2021
Code: 430640
A pop art erotic comedy and crime story. The funky crime story is just a pretence for the character of a »young man who everyone wants to 'steal' something from – criminals want money he doesn't even know he has, and a crowd of girls in a seaside resort want himself or his 'masculinity' » (Zdenko Vrdlovec, film historian). If we watch the film with an ironic distance, we will really enjoy it, as it impresses not only with an excess of iconoclastic imagination, but also with its vivid form (Dr. Peter Stanković, film historian).
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
Predvajana programska vsebina vključuje prizore, ki so lahko neprimerni za mlajše otroke, zato je zanje priporočljiv ogled z vodstvom staršev ali skrbnikov.