Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Sreča na vrvici
IGRANE VSEBINE, KINEMATOGRAFSKI FILM, Družinski kinematografski film
Directed by: Jane Kavčič
Scriptwritter: Vitan Mal
Cast: Matjaž Gruden (Matic), Mitja Tavčar (Črni Blisk), Nino de Gleria (Rok), Polona Rajšter (Neli), Andrej Djordjevič (Rjoveči Bik), Vesna Jevnikar (Milena), Nataša Rojc (Nataša), Nina Zidanič (Nives), Jure Žargi (Boris), Lidija Kozlovič (mama)
Duration: 01:29:44
Year: 2021
Code: 430619
Glavni junak filma je deček Matic, ki ga ima mama sicer rada, a kaj, ko ima preveč opravkov sama s seboj in s svojim delom v službi. Maticev oče pa je službeno v Libiji. Razumljivo je, da njegov najboljši prijatelj postane Rok, fant njegovih let. Nenadoma pa se Matičevo življenje spremeni. Filmarji ga povabijo k sodelovanju, postane glavni junak filma. Ob njem je pes, velik in črn - novo fundlandec, pa še Milena, deklica njegovih let. Matic se med snemanjem filma močno naveže na psa in filmarji mu ga ob koncu podarijo. Kam s psom v betonskem naselju?
Matic is a boy with a mother, who really does love him, but who has plenty of problems of her own at home and at work. And Matic's father is on a work tour in Lybia. So it is only natural that his best friend is a boy of his own age called Rok. The turning point in Matic's life comes when he is discovered by a film team and given the leading part in a film. His partner is a dog - a big, black Newfoundland. And of course there is also Milena, a little girl of his own age. Matic becomes so attached to the dog that the film team gifts him the dog after the end of shooting. And that is where the problems starts: where to put a dog in a concrete estate?
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
Film je na voljo za spletni ogled, ki velja 48 ur ali 14 dni od najema (možnost večkratnega ogleda/najema). Opremljen je s hrvaškimi in angleškimi podnapisi. / Film is available to watch and stream online i.e to rent for 48 hours or 14 days. With croatian and english subtitles.