Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Temni angeli usode
Directed by: Goran Šalamon
Scriptwritter: Sašo Podgoršek
Cast: Goran Šalamon (Prerok), Nikola Sekulovič (Sodnik), Matjaž Pegam (Predsednik), Bojan Fifnja (Šef policije), Jože Pegam (Župnik), Lotos Vincenc Šparovec (Ivan Zakrajšek), Karin Komljanec (Justina Zakrajšek)
Duration: 01:36:56
Year: 1999
Code: 430800
A dark fantasy about power and authority, shot by the director Sašo Podgoršek with the aesthetics of a videospot. The author of the script is the singer of the Demolition Group Goran Šalamon. »The film impresses with its dynamic visual and sound style and is, with its hoarding of manipulations of the evil clique, a stunning testimony to the loss of a small man in a world that political elites at the time unanimously portrayed as a free world« (Peter Stanković, film historian). Awarded with two Vesna awards at the Festival of Slovenian Film (costume design and editing).
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
Film je na voljo za spletni ogled, ki velja 48 ur ali 14 dni od najema (možnost večkratnega ogleda/najema). / Film is available to watch and stream online i.e to rent for 48 hours or 14 days.
Predvajana programska vsebina vključuje prizore, ki niso primerni za otroke do 15. leta starosti.