To so gadi + Bizoviške perice + Vikend
Directed by: Jože Bevc
Duration: 1 h 36 min
Year: 2022
V PAKETU: Celovečernemu filmu To so gadi sta priložena dva kratkometražca Jožeta Bevca: Vikend in Bizoviške perice. Etnološka filmska reportaža Bizoviške perice (1959) prikazuje eno od najstarejših domačih uslužnostnih obrti, poklicno pranje perila, kot so ga v Bizoviku za bogatejše meščanske družine v Ljubljani, pa tudi za obrtnike, trgovce in podjetja izvajale žene in dekleta bizoviških kajžarjev. Režiser Jože Bevc se (s scenaristom Žarkom Petanom) podpisuje tudi pod ironični dokumentarec Vikend (1963) o zadnjih dneh v tednu, ki so namenjeni sprostitvi in počitku in ko »mesto izumre, doma pa ostanejo samo tisti, ki morajo«.
A farcical comedy set in a suburban environment (with the popular quote »No, brother, won't happen«). This legendary Slovenian comedy starrs Boris Cavazza, Bert Sotlar, Dare Valič and Milada Kalezić. The film is now available online in a digitized and restored version, in the quality seen by viewers at the premiere on 23 December 1977 at the Union Cinema in Ljubljana.
THE PACKAGE ALSO CONTAINS: Two short films by Jože Bevc: Weekend and Laundresses from Bizovik. The ethnological film Laundresses from Bizovik (1959) depicts one of the oldest domestic crafts, professional laundry, as performed in Bizovik by the wives and maidens for the wealthier bourgeois families in Ljubljana, as well as for craftsmen, merchants and businesses. The director Jože Bevc (with the screenwriter Žarko Petan) is also the author of the ironic documentary Weekend (1963), about the last days of the week, which are meant for relaxation and rest, when "the city dies out and at home stay only those who have to«.
Digital content
No. | Title | Duration |
1. | To so gadi | 01:33:08 |
2. | Vikend | 00:10:57 |
3. | Bizoviške perice | 00:09:17 |