Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Vaje v objemu
Directed by: Metod Pevec
Scriptwritter: Metod Pevec
Cast: Jana Zupančič (Tjaša), Uroš Fürst (Uroš), Pia Zemljič (Lena), Primož Pirnat (Leon)
Duration: 01:29:29
Year: 2012
Code: 431296
The romantic drama, which confronts Argentine hot-temper and the proverbial Slovene rigidity, is the winner of the Vesna award for best director Metod Pevec, best actress (Jana Zupančič) and best actor (Uroš Fürst). »Obviously dance is my eternal temptation. I can hardly make a movie without a dance scene. This time the story is literally paced in the rhythm of tango. Still, Tango Abrazos is not a dance movie, it is just lessons. And again, it is about relationships. On the other hand, the relationship and chemistry between tango dancers is the fundamental philosophy of tango« (Metod Pevec, director and screenwriter).
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
Predvajana programska vsebina vključuje prizore, ki niso primerni za otroke do 12. leta starosti.