Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Zvezdica zaspanka
Directed by: Jože Pengov
Scriptwritter: Frane Milčinski
Cast: Mila Kačič - Zvezda (glas), Stane Sever (glas), Nace Simončič - boter, Meseček (glas), Alenka Svetel - Zvezdica zaspanka (glas)
Duration: 00:54:37
Year: 2021
Code: 430657
The first Slovenian feature puppet film, created in 1965 on the basis of the first Slovenian radio play for children, written in 1952 by Frane Milčinski – Ježek. Three years later the play was adapted for Ljubljana City Puppet Theater, directed by Jože Pengov and visualy designed by Mara Kraljeva. The play immediately won over both domestic and foreign audiences, and in 1965, on the initiative of Črt Škodlar, the first color Slovenian feature film with puppets was made after the theatre performance.
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.