
Format: CD

Šifra: 107412

EAN: 3838898107412

6,71 EUR

ROSTRUM 2000 - 2003
Sodobna slovenska glasba

Mednarodni glasbeni svet s skladateljsko tribuno ROSTRUM postavlja zgled umetniške demokracije, inteligence in svobode. Petdeset let ROSTRUMA pomeni danes zgodovinski precedens, ki temelji na ugotovitvi, da se nobena družba naj bo lokalna ali globalna ne more in ne sme omejevati zgolj na umetnost, filozofijo ali politiko zaprtih krogov. V tem smislu ROSTRUM uresnicuje smernice gostiteljske organizacije UNESCO, svetlo poslanstvo odkrivanja in predstavljanja vseh tudi najmanjših ali najbolj oddaljenih in nenavadnih kulturnih (umetniških) prostorov zemeljske oble.

S tega stališca (in stališca evropskih politicnih sprememb v zadnjem desetletju 20. stoletja) Slovenija ROSTRUMU dolguje veliko. V letih vztrajnega sodelovanja je glasbeni program Radia Slovenija na tribuni predstavil vrsto slovenskih avtorjev in jim ponudil priložnost za najširšo medijsko predstavitev v svetu. Na zgošcenki so zbrane slovenske skladbe, ki so bile na skladateljskem ROSTRUMU predstavljene med letoma 2000 in 2003.

ROSTRUM 2000 - 2003
Contemporary Slovenian Music

The International Music Council, with its International Rostrum Of Composers, is an example of artistic democracy, intelligence and freedom. Fifty years of the IRC represents a historic precedent based on the cognition that no society, whether local or global, can or should limit itself to the art, philosophy or politics of closed circles. In this sense, the IRC fulfills the guidelines of the UNESCO host organization, a bright mission of revealing and representing all, even the smallest, most distant or unusual cultural and artistic spaces on the Earth.

From this viewpoint, and from the viewpoint of European political changes during the last decade of the 20th century, Slovenia is enormously indebted to the IRC. Continuous and dedicated participation of the Music Department of Radio Slovenia at the IRC has resulted in the introduction of a long line of Slovenian composers, thus affording them the opportunity of worldwide radio promotion. The CD comprises selected Slovenian music, introduced at the IRC between the years 2000 and 2003.