Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
Dolge počitnice
IGRANE VSEBINE, KINEMATOGRAFSKI FILM, Dokumentarni kinematografski film
Režiser: Damjan Kozole
Scenarist : Irena Pan
Igralci: Aleksandar Jovanović, Katarina Keček Stojanović, Nisveta Lovec, Katarina Kresal, Matevž Krivic, dr. Aleksander Doplihar, Katarina Kresal, Lojze Peterle, Slavko Debelak
Trajanje: 01:19:48
Leto: 2021
Šifra: 431104
Citizens of the former Yugoslavia who after the declaration of independence did not apply for Slovenian citizenship were without warning in February 1992 deleted from the register of permanent residents. »In this film, I did not preoccupy with numbers, I was not interested in how many people had been erased or, who was responsible for that. I just wanted to show the fate of three young people, who had experienced the birth and development of this state first hand« (Damjan Kozole, director). Recipient of the Vesna Award for the best documentary film at the Festival of Slovenian Film in 2012.
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
Programska vsebina vključuje prizore, ki so lahko neprimerni za mlajše otroke, zato je zanje priporočljiv ogled z vodstvom staršev ali skrbnikov.