Inventura + Moderne Kunst + Nevidna roka Adama Smitha
Režiser: Darko Sinko, Marko Šantić in Slobodan Maksimović
Scenarist : Darko Sinko
Trajanje: 2 h 14 min
Leto: 2023
V PAKETU: Celovečercu Inventura sta priložena kratka filma. Moderne Kunst (2017) režiserja Marka Šantića na ironičen način govori o transformativni moči umetnosti: Bojan je varnostnik v muzeju sodobne umetnosti in eden od eksponatov, ki ga varuje, vnese nemir v njegov zakon. Nevidna roka Adama Smitha (2017) je komični kratki film režiserja Slobodana Maksimovića, posnet v eni kader-sekvenci, z ekipo in igralci, ki prihajajo iz več kot deset držav.
The film Inventory is a drama with elements of a thriller and black comedy, set in contemporary middle-class surroundings in Slovenia. Director and screenwriter Darko Sinko found the idea for the film in Karel Čapek's story The Murderous Attack. »Drily funny about the instability a placid surface can mask.« (Jessica Kiang). The debut feature film won four Vesna awards at the Festival of Slovenian Film: for director (Darko Sinko), best male lead (Radoš Bolčina), best supporting actor (Dejan Spasić) and best original score (Matija Krečič). "A film you'll never forget" (Marcel Štefančič, jr.).
THE PACKAGE ALSO CONTAINS: The feature film Inventory is accompanied by two short films. Moderne Kunst (2017), directed by Marko Šantić, presents the transformative power of art in an ironic way: Bojan is a security guard at a contemporary art museum, and one of the exhibits he is guarding brings turmoil to his marriage. The Invisible Hand of Adam Smith (2017) is a comic short film by Slobodan Maksimović, shot in one frame-sequence, with a cast and crew coming from over ten countries.
Filmi so na voljo za spletni ogled, ki velja 48 ur ali 14 dni od najema (možnost večkratnega ogleda/najema). / Films are available to watch and stream online i.e to rent for 48 hours or 14 days.
Digitalne vsebine
Št. | Naslov | Dolžina |
1. | Nevidna roka Adama Smitha | 00:15:01 |
2. | Moderne kunst | 00:18:07 |
3. | Inventura | 01:41:40 |