Na svoji zemlji + Mladina gradi


Na svoji zemlji + Mladina gradi

Režiser: France Štiglic
Scenarist : France Štiglic
Trajanje: 1 h 50 min
Leto: 2022

Epopeja o narodnoosvobodilnem boju. Scenarij je po svoji noveli Očka Orel pripravil Ciril Kosmač, po zapletih je režijo prevzel takrat 28-letni France Štiglic (ki je pred tem prejel bronastega leva v Benetkah za film Mladina gradi), pri kompoziciji prizorov je direktorju fotografije Ivanu Marinčku pomagal slikar Veno Pilon …»Danes v splošnem velja, da se je film Na svoji zemlji lepo posrečil in v tem oziru ga mnogi štejejo za pravi začetek slovenske nacionalne kinematografije« (Dr. Peter Stanković, filmski zgodovinar). Film so snemali od februarja do junija 1948, premiero je doživel 20. 11. 1948 v ljubljanskem kinu Union, prikazali pa so ga tudi na filmskem festivalu v Cannesu.

V PAKETU: Celovečercu Na svoji zemlji je priložen kratki režiserjev film Mladina gradi, mednarodno nagrajeni dokumentarec o gradnji socializma po osvoboditvi in, kot se je glasil tedanji poziv, o »darovanju moči mladine domovini, skupnosti in Titu«.

An epic film about the National War of Liberation. The screenplay was written by Ciril Kosmač based on his short story Očka Orel and the film was directed by then 28-year-old France Štiglic (who previously received a bronze lion in Venice for the film Mladina gradi). »Today it is generally considered that the film On Our Own Land was a great success and in this respect it is widely considered to be the foundation stone of the Slovenian national cinematography" (Dr. Peter Stanković, film historian). The film was shot from February to June 1948, premiered on 20 November 1948 at the Union cinema in Ljubljana, and was also screened at the Cannes Film Festival.

THE PACKAGE ALSO CONTAINS: The director's short film Youth Builds, an international award-winning documentary about the building of socialism after the liberation and, as the call to youth work actions went at the time, about »the gift of the youth to the homeland, to the community and to Tito«.

Digitalne vsebine

Št. Naslov Dolžina
1. Mladinagradi 00:18:49
2. Na svoji zemlji 01:50:02