Poslednja postaja + Barva spomina
Režiser: Jože Babič
Scenarist : Branko Šömen
Trajanje: 1 h 28 min
Leto: 2022
V PAKETU: Celovečercu Poslednja postaja je priložen kratki film Barva spomina, portret slikarja Jožeta Spacala in njegove slikarske in grafične umetnosti, ki ga je leta 1967 ustvaril dvojec režiserjev Jožeta Babiča in Giorgia Sestana v želji, da razkrije Spacalovo človečnost, sintezo in ritem njegovega likovnega dela.
A »black« drama about the deterioration of socialist ideals. The Last Stop is the first Slovenian feature film set in Maribor. Based on the screenplay by Branko Šömen, it was directed in a neorealist style in 1971 by Jože Babič. »In this film, Maribor is represented as a picturesque and inspiring film scene, where images of the industrial dullness and the down to earth opportunism of the weary lumpenproletariat melt into an almost Antonionian story of the alienation of the modern world« (Dr. Peter Stanković, film historian).
THE PACKAGE ALSO CONTAINS: The short film The Colours of Memory, a portrait of the painter Jože Spacal, created in 1967 by the directors Jože Babič and Giorgio Sestano in an attempt to reveal Spacal's humanity, the synthesis and rhythm of his artistic work.
Film Barva spomina (1967) je leta 2021 digitalno restavrirala Slovenska kinoteka v sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim arhivom pri Arhivu Republike Slovenije in Slovenskim filmskim centrom, javno agencijo Republike Slovenije. / Barva spomina (1967) was digitally restored in 2021 by Slovenian Cinematheque in cooperation with Slovenian film Archives at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Film Center, a public agency of the Republic of Slovenia.
Digitalne vsebine
Št. | Naslov | Dolžina |
1. | Poslednja postaja | 01:21:00 |
2. | Barva spomina | 00:13:05 |