Prasica, slabšalni izraz za žensko + Luči mesta
Režiser: Tijana Zinajić in Klemen Dvornik
Scenarist : Iza Strehar
Trajanje: 1 h 40 min
Leto: 2023
Šifra: 431845
V PAKETU: Celovečercu Prasica, slabšalni izraz za žensko, je priložen kratki film Luči mesta (2015), ki ga je režiser Klemen Dvornik posnel po scenariju Gorana Vojnovića. Dan po velikih demonstracijah, je v zraku še vedno čutiti napetost. V Romanov taksi se usede star gospod, ki se ne more spomniti, kam je namenjen.
A subversive comedy in Slovenian street language. A debut feature directed by Tijana Zinajić, a distinguished theatre director and actress, and written by an acclaimed young screenwriter Iza Strehar. "The film is a nostalgic dedication to youth; to the club of the 27 who are still alive, to the roomie life with its pros and cons, to Ljubljana nightlife, to Metelkova, to slang, to contemporary 'sex-drugs-and-rock'n'roll'. (...) The key question is no longer how to get back on your feet, how to succeed, but first and foremost, how to come to your senses" (Tina Poglajen, Radio Slovenija). Bitch, a derogatory term for a woman, is the winner of the 2021 Festival of Slovenian Film with seven Vesna awards.
THE PACKAGE ALSO CONTAINS: The feature film Bitch, a Pejorative Term for a Woman, is accompanied by the short film City Lights (2015), directed by Klemen Dvornik and based on a screenplay by Goran Vojnović. A day after the big demonstrations, there is still tension in the air. An old gentleman gets into Roman's taxi and cannot remember where he is going.
Filma sta na voljo za spletni ogled, ki velja 48 ur ali 14 dni od najema (možnost večkratnega ogleda/najema). / Films are available to watch and stream online i.e to rent for 48 hours or 14 days.
Digitalne vsebine
Št. | Naslov | Dolžina |
1. | Prasica, slabšalni izraz za žensko | 01:26:00 |
2. | Luči mesta | 00:15:09 |