Slovenski filmi - Filmoteka
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Režiser: Andrej Košak
Scenarist : Andrej Košak
Igralci: Vlado Novak (Franta), Silva Čušin (Tončka), Aleksandra Balmazović (Petra), Iva Krajnc Bagola (Jožica), Blagoj Veselinov (Bojan), Valter Dragan (Fleischmann), Peter Musevski (Inšpektor Berginc/Inspector Berginc), Rok Vihar (Jerovšek), Jernej Kuntner (Pipi), Igor Zupe (Gole) in Jure Ivanušič (Fritz)
Trajanje: 01:40:27
Leto: 2023
Šifra: 431814
Andrej Košak's fourth feature film is a Slovenian-Macedonian-Croatian coproduction and has won several awards at international film festivals. "The Slovenian transition has shown us that democracy and politics have become synonymous with corruption. In the film, I held up a mirror to the world I live in today. The main character is Franta, the mayor of Rovte, a small Slovenian town, who loses the election and is forced to cooperate with criminals. The film shows that we live in a global world of fake news, political spin and corruption, where morality and ethics have lost their meaning" (Andrej Košak, director and screenwriter).
Film je na voljo za spletni ogled, ki velja 48 ur ali 14 dni od najema (možnost večkratnega ogleda/najema). / Film is available to watch and stream online i.e to rent for 48 hours or 14 days.
Predvajana programska vsebina vključuje prizore, ki niso primerni za otroke do 12. leta starosti.