Zgodba gospoda P.F. in Abesinija
Režiser: Karpo Godina
Scenarist : Karpo Godina
Leto: 2021
Šifra: 430961
V PAKETU: Kratki dokumentarni film Abesinija režiserja Karpa Godine iz leta 1999 o ozkotirni železniški progi Trst-Poreč, dolgi 123 kilometrov. 15. decembra 1902 je bila proga slovesno odprta. Progi so ljudje dali tri imena: La Parenzana, Porečanka in Porečka. Leta 1935 je Italija progo ukinila, jo razprodala. Tire so za vojne potrebe naložili na ladjo in jih odpeljali v Abesinijo. Ladja se je nekje v Sredozemskem morju z vsem tovorom potopila.
A documentary portrait of a cosmopolitan. A documentary about the legendary Slovenian inventor Petar Florjančič (1919-2020), who befriended Marlene Dietrich, Audrey Hepburn, Luchin Visconti, Vittorio de Sico, Darryl Zanuck… survived them all and lived a hundred years. Among other things, he invented a perfume atomiser and the plastic photographic slide frame. »A special film about a very special man, which, despite its documentary approach, takes the viewer into the world of greatest fiction,« wrote the jury of the Festival of Slovenian Film in 2002, when Karpo Godina's film was awarded the special prize.
THE PACKAGE ALSO CONTAINS: A short documentary Abyssinia by the director Karpo Godina from 1999 about the narrow-gauge 123 kilometer railway Trieste-Poreč. The line was inaugurated on December 15, 1902,. The route was given three names by the people: La Parenzana, Porečanka and Porečka. In 1935, Italy abolished the line and sold it off. The tracks were loaded onto a ship for war purposes and taken to Abyssinia. Somewhere in the Mediterranean, the ship sank with all its cargo.
V sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom in slovenskimi neodvisnimi producenti ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo.
Digitalne vsebine
Št. | Naslov | Dolžina |
1. | Abesinija | 00:16:02 |
2. | Zgodba gospoda P.F. | 01:28:10 |